Sunday, December 29, 2019

Psychology of Learning - 3059 Words

PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING Learning is a process that depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential designates the possible behavior of an individual, not actual behavior. The main assumption behind all learning psychology is that the effects of the environment, conditioning, reinforcement, etc. provide psychologists with the best information from which to understand human behavior. As opposed to short term changes in behavior potential (caused e.g. by fatigue) learning implies long term changes. As opposed to long term changes caused by aging and development, learning implies changes related directly to experience. Learning theories try to better understand how the learning process works.†¦show more content†¦In his initial experiments, Pavlov rang a bell and then gave the dog food; after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the bell. Pavlov called the bell the conditioned (or conditional) stimulus (CS) because its effects depend on its association with food. He called the food the unconditioned stimulus (US) because its effects did not depend on previous experience. Likewise, the response to the CS was the conditioned response (CR) and that to the US was the unconditioned response (UR). The timing between the presentation of the CS and US affects both the learning and the performance of the conditioned response. Pavlov found that the shorter the interval between the ringing of the bell and the appearance of the food, the stronger and quicker the dog learned the conditioned response. Forward conditioning Learning is fastest in forward conditioning. During forward conditioning, the onset of the CS precedes the onset of the US in order to signal that the US will follow. Two common forms of forward conditioning are delay and trace conditioning. Delay conditioning: In delay conditioning the CS is presented and is overlapped by the presentation of the US. The difference between Trace conditioning and Delay conditioning is that in the delayed procedure the CS and US overlap.For example: We often hear the thunder before the lightning has faded from view. Trace conditioning: During traceShow MoreRelatedPsychology : The Learning Perspective Essay1882 Words   |  8 PagesPsychology is a broad subject filled with many different theories, several theories of which that were particularly interesting fall under the topic â€Å"The Learning Perspective†. In fact, Learning is described as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. This paper takes a leap further into the psychology and true meaning behind the Learning Perspective, as well as its Biological Importance in our everyday lives. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Book Review on Personal Development and Communication Skills

BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT Book – Personality development and communication skills. Author - Yandamoori veerendranath. ISBN-EBK0331691 Price-120/- In this book the author tries to explain a range of psychological theories,how to develop strong intellectual and emotional personality and public speaking.Besides these,the book also focuses on how to combat one’s weakness like anger and interpersonal conflicts. Veerendranath had worked in state finance corporation of Andhra pradesh.He is a playwright,novelist,movie director,personality development motivator.There are so many books based on personality development in market but the reason for choosing this book is i am ardent fan of his writings.Personally i have attended his†¦show more content†¦Learning is a never ending process in life.Since learning is very crucial for students,author presented concept johari windows and he says that open area in that window should be as large as possible.He coined the term cerebral laziness which means mental obstructions that keep us from innovative thinking.Attitude development is very important in everyone’s life.The first step in improving attitude is knowing ones own strengths and weakness.Instead of feeling bad about weakness he urges us to change our behaviour which enhance those.Assertiveness in our thoughts,feelings express our attitude with friends,family members. The concept of communication and its significance in present generation was explained very precisely by him.Oral communication skills,written communication skills,non verbal communication are types of communication which he presented in book.written communication includes resume writing,project report.The topics of book which i like are the art of public speaking,Management of conflicts,emotional intelligence,SWOT analysis.In art of public speaking he provided so many tips for delivering good speeh. The author says that any leader should posses some qualities like emotional intelligence,working as a team,managing conflicts both intra and inter group.leaders creates managers. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essentials of Investment †

Questions: 1. What is the discounted cash flow concept, and why is it essential for financial managers to understand and employ this important concept? 2. What are the methods associated with evaluating single or periodic payments, and what is at least 1 application of each? 3. Discuss the different methods that can be used to calculate these amounts, and explain how at least 1 of these models can be used? 4. How can the time value of money models or formulas be used to determine the rate of return for an investment or the time it will take for a current sum to grow to a desired future amount? 5. Discuss the "Rule of 72" and how it can be used to estimate how long it takes for money to double at various rates of return? 6. Identify and recommend at least 1 credible Web site that an investor can visit to find the current market value of market indexes such as the Dow Industrial Averages? Answers: 1. Discounted cash flow concept is based on the time value of money and essentially arises since money received at an earlier date is dearer than money received at a later date. This is primarily because money has an opportunity cost and hence while evaluation of projects and various financial proposals it is imperative to consider the timing of the cash flows. It is imperative for financial managers to understand this concept so that they can make prudent financial decisions with regards to investing in projects and considering various proposals for the investment of idle cash reserves of the company. The prudent application of this concept would allow the financial managers to maximise the returns on capital for the company and hence ensure superior performance (Brealey, Myers and Allen, 2008). 2. The methods used for the evaluation of single or periodic payments are given below (Damodaran, 2008).. 1. Present value method This involves the calculation of the present value of the various periodic payments assuming a reasonable opportunity cost usually risk free interest rate that the person assumes to earn. This can be used to estimate the present market price of a bond based on expected future coupon payments at periodic intervals.. 2. Effective annual rate of interest - The effective annual rate of interest on the sum of money that would result in the periodic payments is also an evaluation technique. This can be used to estimate the YTM (Yield Till Maturity) of a given bond. 3. The various methods to determine this amount are given below (Kane and Marcus, 2013). 1. Annuity payment factor In order to evaluate the present value of periodic payments, the annuity payment factor needs to be determined that acts as a discount factor. As a result, the present value of the annuity can be estimated by multiplying the payment in a particular period by the factor. Hence, value of annuity = Annuity payment * Annuity payment factor 2. Cash flow discounting Another method that may be helpful especially when the periodic payments are limited to a few periods is the actual discounting of the individual annuity payments using the given rate of interest. 4. In order to determine the rate of return of investment using the time value of money, the present value of the various cash flows derived during the lifetime of the investment must be equated with the current market value of the investment. This would result in the determination of the discount factor that would lead to the rate of return of investment (Damodaran, 2008). Current price of investment = C1/(1+x) + C2/(1+x)2 + C3/(1+x)3 + ....... + Cn/(1+x)n Where n is the rate of return of investment Additionally, in order to determine the time for a particular investment to grow to a desired future amount, it is imperative to equal the future value of the current investment with the desired future value. On solving this, the time can be determined (Parrino and Kidwell, 2011). Desired future value = Amount invested * (1+ r)t Where t is the number of time periods and can be determined by using the above approach. 5. As per the Rule of 72, the time in years that is required to double the given principal in the case of compound interest is given by 72 divided by the underlying rate of interest. With regards to accuracy, this rule provides highly accurate results if the interest rate lies in the interval of 6-10%. This is a convenient tool to simplify calculations in case of compound interest. In order to estimate the time to double any given principal, input data regarding the underlying interest rate is required (Brealey, Myers and Allen, 2008). For instance if the interest rate ids 8% pa, hence the time required to double the principal or investment would be 72/8 = 9 years. 6. One website that an investor can visit to find the current market value of market indexes is . This website is highly reliable and provides the latest information with regards to not only the US stock indices but also the other significant indices around the globe. References Brealey, R., Myers, S. and Allen, F. (2008), Principles of Corporate Finance, New York: McGraw Hill Publications Damodaran, A. (2008), Corporate Finance, London: Wiley Publications Kane, B.Z. and Marcus, A.J. (2013). Essentials of Investment, Singapore, McGraw-Hill International Parrino, R. and Kidwell, D. (2011), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, London, Wiley Publicationsa