Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dream And Dream - Dream Killers - 1012 Words

Dream killers You know the type, the ones who think that just because they did not make it, then you can t, the Debbie Downers who can t see beyond their pathetic existence to dream of something bigger. The one who will never achieve much because they fail to dream and dream to fail, these are the dream killers. Conversation #1 You I am thinking of starting my own business Them Why you want to do that? You Because I have always wanted to work for myself? Them It will fail in this neighborhood. You Not if I set up the right way, hey let start it together. Them We have no money to start a business. You There are small business loans or grants we could apply for.†¦show more content†¦You: Well? Them: Oh my God that is really good, where did you learn to write like that.? You: I believe God inspires me. I will wake up late at night and start writing, Two hours later I would have completed several short stories without Stopping.† Them: Wow! Still having that incredulous look on their face as if they still had doubts that I could have written something so good. You: Still don t believe I wrote it. Them: No I believe you, but how are you going to get this published, it can get really expensive, plus people write all the time and never get their book published.† You: Don’t worry about that, God gave me the gift, he will find the funding. Them: Have you thought of copyrights, someone can steal your idea and you And would have no legal leg to stand on.† You: I am way ahead of you on that Hun. Them: Well....good luck to you, you gonna need it, since most books fail to make it to a single reader.† You: Luck has nothing to do with this, nothing that is worth having is going To be easy to obtain.†Show MoreRelatedIncome Inequality Is The Killer Of The American Dream1106 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 11 April 17, 2016 Income Inequality is the Killer of the American Dream Think about your goals that would lead you to your definition of the American Dream. Would you let economic differences ruin your dream, or work harder? The American Dream would be considered reaching your ultimate goal and having a stable life and job to provide for oneself and their family. Most people in our country think that the main reason why the American Dream is dying is because of income inequality. 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